Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cooper's almost 2!

To celebrate/mourn my Little Man turning 2 on May 8th I want to do a week of posts about him. To kick things off are pictures of him before and after a hair cut. Each time I cut Cooper's hair it gets a little easier, emotionally that is. Even though I once again lopped off all of his curls I wasn't wanting to bawl my eyes out after it was done. I am excited that soon I will be able to get pointers from my sister in law on how to do a better job.

BEFORE the hair cut. Such a cheesy grin. The only way I can get a picture of Coop these days is either with this grin or he is a blur running away.

TV face on. He hates his hair being cut so I have to A.) let him watch a movie while I do it (hence why the TV face) and B.) bribe him with candy.

AFTER (notice the candy outline around his lips? Smarties.) Still having TV face.

This is more his real smile, not the cheesy grin. I think he was at a part in the movie he really liked. He was watching Bambi.
 Our Little Man is sure a joy to us. He is really into Buzz and Woody from Toy Story right now. He tries to say the phrase that Buzz says "To infinity and beyond", but his way is more like "finy beyond". It is so cute. He also says helicopter, heli-cop-piter (which he is also really into). Once in a while we try and catch a glimpse of the Cougar helicopters that frequently fly over our house.  I guess you have to hear him say it to see how cute it is. He is growing up so fast. I can't believe where the time has gone. It feels like last month I was leaving work to go on mat leave. CRAZY.
Stay posted for more on Bubba as we call him. Funny thing, if you ask Cooper what his name is he says Bubba. It it hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. Cutting kids hair is so are doing great...he is super cute and the "curls" hide any imperfections...but we can always have a hair cutting party!
    I just trimmed around Evan's ears this week (using the t.v., to get it all done before he turns 2....ahhh where has the time gone, hey?
    I look forward to a week of posts about Bubba.
    looking forward to having a "play date" soon.
    love and hugs from all of us!
