Sunday, October 10, 2010

Shaving with Daddy

October 2010
Kent loves being a Dad, inparticular a Father to Cooper. He is a fabulous Father and Daddy I must say. I enjoy watching them together and seeing their interactions. One of my favorites was recently. Cooper is at a stage where he loves to do what we do. It is so cool and funny to watch.
Kent recently got an electric shaver. Of course because Dad was doing it (and it was an electronic, which he loves) he had to as well. So I took a few pictures of Cooper and Kent shaving together. Cooper insists on being independent so he wanted to hold it all to himself and do it. It was a little concerning that he was actually shaving his face. Who knows what that will do to his skin and future hair??? He may have to start shaving when he is 3 if he keeps it up!
I love the tender moments my boys have together. It makes me . . . well happy isn't the word, I can't think of it but I feel like I am doing what Mary did in the scripture Luke 2:19 "Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart." It just warms the coccles of my heart.
(I apologize for the red eye. I don't have my photo editing software yet.)

Comment from Kent:
I thought I would add my two cents since this post was about me.  I have looked forward to this moment for a long time, the classic father and son pretend shaving moment.  One of my favourtie memories from my childhood was shaving with with my Dad.  Although back then it was with shaving cream not an electric razor.  This moment between Cooper and I was a real quality bonding moment for me, and one that I will cherish for the rest of my life.  I love my son, and am very grateful that he is a Daddy's boy because it gives me one more reason to hurry home at the end of the day.

1 comment:

  1. ahh, tears came to my eyes reading this. thanks for sharing, and thanks Kent for your 2 cents...I miss you! love, Amber
