Sunday, November 21, 2010

Friday Nov 19, 2010

On the way out to the car to take Kent to work, with Cooper in my arms I slipped and fell. There was a thin sheet of ice on our walkway that I didn't know about until too late and my feet went out from right underneath me. My Motherly instincts held true and I was able to keep Cooper safe. I am so glad he was ok. I had the diaper bag / backpack on which helped cushion the fall and therefore didn't hit my head. However, I did hurt my foot.
After walking on it for a few hours it was really starting to throb. I iced it and then decided that I needed to get it checked out for fear I had broken it. To save you all from a long boring storey I had x-ray's and it is ok. Just a sprain. Ladybug was also fine. I was lucky and had my OBGYN appointment later that morning.  It is the most comforting sound to hear the fetal heart beat. I think I love it so much for 2 reasons. 1. I know that she is ok and alive. 2. I have a thing for hearts. I am fascinated by how the heart works and one day I would love to be a cardiac cath lab nurse.
Today I am really grateful for these things: My husband's boss who is very understanding and allowed my husband to be with me and help with Cooper. The safety of my family and that none of us were badly hurt. For a husband who is supportive and extremely helpful despite my clumsiness.


  1. Hi there,
    My mom just sent me the link to your blog. It is a nice way to see how you and your family are doing since the big move. Cooper is even more adorable than when we last saw him!
    Sorry to read about your fall...what a worry for you! You will need to rest your sore foot. Brian can sympathize with you, as he sprained his ankle on Friday too! He hurt himself while playing volleyball. Ted took him in for x-rays, and thankfully Brian's ankle is sprained...not broken. He is hobbling around on crutches...last year it was Michael...good times! We wish you a speedy recovery!
    Give our love to dear Cooper and Kent too.
    Julie xo

  2. wow! no fun at all...glad you 3 are o.k.
    cooper dancing is so cute! I tried doing a similar video post, but we don't have the right software to convert the video to the right size etc. your cabinet colours are great! Take care of Ladybug and yourself...not long now!
    love, Amber

  3. Ouch! And scary! Glad to hear everything is okay.
