Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday September 25, 2010

Ok, so for those who are wondering and to clarify Kent was transfered again. This time to St. John's Newfoundland. Let the adventure begin!
So we packed up in Sarnia, ON where we have been since the beginning of 2008 and are now here in St. John's. We finally found a house to buy and possession date is not until Oct 7th so we are living in a hotel until then. Our lodging and meals are covered by the company and being as we do not have the means to prepare our own meals we eat out for lunch and dinner. (We bought breakfast food to have here in the hotel so that we could eliminate some of the eating out.)  I think we will be blimps by the time we move into our place! I hope this explains why we are half way across the world away from our beloved family and friends.

On another note.
Sundays are always a little more stressful for me than the other 6 days of the week. Why? Well it is because of church and C-dawg not quite understanding the whole lets be quiet for 3 hours straight. He will be 18 months in less that 2 months and I look forward to him being able to go to nursery. However, that still leaves Sacrament. The branch we just moved into has no other children under the age of 7. So you can well imagine that he is the noisy one, and everyone can hear him. He makes sure of it. We are trying to teach him how to be quiet and I got some good ideas from my fabulous sister. She also gave me a few quiet activity books to help keep C-dawg quietly playing.  Well to say the least we took him out twice today and this was a good Sunday.
I am having "quiet time" with him during the week in hopes he will learn how to be quiet when we ask him to be, even if he doesn't understand why yet. I have been told from the members in our branch not to worry about the noise he makes and it doesn't bother anyone. In fact they enjoy having the noise of a small child in the congregation. That is great, and I am happy they are not annoyed by the Pratt's but I still want C-dawg to learn reverence/quiet time.  With time it will come and soon I will have an angel during sacrament!!!  Then he will be able to teach his little sister once she comes (I am due December 28th).  


  1. Your ideas are good. Don't worry. Eventually he will get it and understand. And then you can sit at the very front row. HA ha.

    I am just SO excited for you both! Lot's of fun stuff happening. And you look SOoo cute prego. It obviously agrees with you. I enjoyed getting caught up on your lives this morning. Have an awesome week!

  2. Just pray that he goes to nursery okay ril! This last sunday was the first time that Brookey has stayed in nursery for the full 2 hours... I thought she would be okay because she is SO friendly but as it turns out she is really attached to me.
    I promise that you think C is louder then anyone else thinks he is. I'm sure they just think he's adorable ;)
