Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Holy Crap! What have I done!

As I laid in bed after waking up from my morning nap (I nap when Cooper naps), the thought came to me. Holy crap I am having another baby, what were we thinking??? I feel like I can barely take care of the child I already have. Mind you I feel that way mostly because of how tired I am from being pregnant.
The weightiness of the situation has hit me and I am kind of freaking out.
What am I going to do? What is Cooper going to do? This maybe to much info for some but my biggest fear is how am I going to have time to pump now that Cooper is around once the second one is here? Just a little background; I breast pumped for 4.5 months with Cooper as my equipment is not optimal. I felt like most of my waking and non-waking time was spent either feeding or obtaining milk to feed Cooper. It was a lot of work. But I would do it again.
I am struggling right now with finding a good balance. Am I the only one, it seams like I am? I wish I could figure out how to fit the important stuff in and also have a little fun. |I guess with all things there is a time and season. Maybe it isn't my season for being able to find time to scrapbook or have a little fun. I shouldn't say I don't have any fun. Being a Mom to me is fun and I love it. This is the best thing I have ever done in my life and I am extremely happy doing it.
I look forward to finally being in my new home and settled. As C.O.O. (chief operating officer) of the Pratt family I am going to be one organized Momma and wife, or at least that is my goal. It will take me a while but I am going to get there. And for those of you reading, yes, I do know that having balance and being organized are not the same thing. But I do think that being organized will help me obtain balance. (eat your heart out English teachers. I just started a sentence with but and there is nothing you can do about it because this is my blog!!!) So for all you super mom's reading my blog, what do you do that enables you to be good at what you do? Suggestions please. 


  1. I'm no super mom, but I can tell hit the nail on the head when you mentioned a season for everything. I gave up a lot of things when the kids were little. No scrapbooking. No girl's night outs. No baking big and huge gourmet meals (my all time favorite thing to do!). Less trips to the temple. And the list goes on. But you are right. This season of time (having and raising small children) that you are in right now is SOoooo worth it!!!! These are the best of times. And I know you can't imagine it.....but's the shortest time ever! Before you know it......they are teens and life gets even busier by the minute!!!! ; D Enjoy the journey. Take in the moment that you are in. That's my 2 cents worth.

  2. I get the parents to come out (like last night) so that Nick and I can go to the spa....I used to get a pedi. and facial every 6 weeks before kids, now it is twice/year. We all go through a change in what we are able to do, and I'm sure you will get used to it as time goes on...I just look at it as my desires are changing, and sometimes I wrestle with it...sometimes I just want to do my own thing just like I did before kids. I also understand the feelings of getting it all organized, and I notice it comes in waves now (probably with hormones changes etc.). I also have learned to relax and go with the flow (which feels lazy sometimes). So please don't forget that you are growing a baby, raising a toddler, being a friend/wife...all BIG jobs, and taking a few hours to yourself without anyone is OK...and if you feel in your heart that you want to spend all your time doing fun stuff with the family and leave the housework or scrapbooking for another day, do that! You don't have a fixed schedule for a few years, and you can have so much fun with this time! I love you and know how you are is the complexity of being a woman!

  3. Myril: I have totally felt those overwhelming feelings. My family has had good luck with having family counsel on Sunday mornings. Then, I kind of plan our each week and get help and input on meals and scheduling. I only clean my house spotless 3 times a week and spend the other two (weekdays) playing with the kids and doing things for my family. It has helped me to let little things go. I still pick up my family room and perhaps wash the dishes, but I don't vacuum, dust, etc. all those things daily. That way, I can still read and do stuff with the kids. Those are the few things that have helped me. Love you!!
