Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Avery's Health

This month has been busy for Avery. She had another ultra sound for her hip displasia and a subsequent appointment with the orthopedic Doc. I fully expected her to be in a brace after the tech's said that her left hip on the ultra sound looked loose compared to the right. However, the Doc came in and said it was all cleared up and her hips look great. He checked her one last time to make sure. He wants her to have a pelvic x-ray in 6 months. Super great news!
She also had her follow up test from when she was in the hospital. What they did was inject dye into her bladder and then waited to see where it went. If it stayed in the bladder great. If it went up to the kidneys not so good. Well the test revealed that yes in fact she does have back flow of urine into her kidneys. I had to wait almost 2 weeks after her having the test to talk with the Doc about it. It felt like forever. So basically what the Doc said was that there was damage to the kidney from the back flow and infection but it is good that they have caught it early. There continues to be back flow and the hope is she will grow out of it. If not then she can have a procedure done to fix it. It use to be a surgery where they had to actually cut, but due to wonderful advances in medicine they will just have to go through her urethra (hole she pees out of) and can do it from the inside of her bladder. Amazing. So in the mean time of waiting to see if she grows out of it she has to be on antibiotics. This kind of freaks me out as it is long term. The dose is small but yet enough to stop a urinary track infection. If she does get another urinary track infection it can cause major damage to her kidneys, especially if it goes undetected. So that is why the antibiotics.
If you feel so inclined keep her in your prayers. I would love for her urine system to mature and heal on it's own with no "procedure". That is what I am praying for.
I am waiting to hear if Avery is going to be followed by a Urologist or the Pediatrician we saw in the hospital. Let me just say that Dr. Morris the Pediatrician we had in the hospital was amazing. He was like a big teddy bear. He oozed kindness and concern. I just always had an urge to hug him! I want him to adopt Cooper and Avery as grandkids.

Avery being sick

Last Friday (Jan 18th) Avery came down with a fever. Between Kent and I we were up with her all night trying to get her to sleep and console her as she was extremely fussy yet lethargic and very much out of it. I was petrified we were going to loose her. By morning she seemed to be doing better but would spike a temperature every few hours. After her second dose of baby Tylenol I decided to call the Janeway help line (the Janeway being the local childrens hospital). The nurse told me all babies under 3 months who have a fever need to be seen by a doctor. When I got off the phone Avery didn't have a temperature and we thought maybe she was on the mend. After about an hour her temp spiked again and we went in to Janeway ER. It was packed and I was very discouraged. Before leaving I had taken her temp just by holding the thermometer against her neck and it read 39.1, so I knew she probably was much hotter. Thankfully because of her temp and age we were the next ones to go in and we bypassed the wait. I was so grateful.
In triage her temp was 40.1. I was very worried. They gave her Tylenol, collected blood, started an IV, collected more blood for blood cultures and did a chest xray and then the Pediatric Doc came to see us. She basically said we were there to stay for at least 3 days. They don't mess around with little babies and they just jump right in with antibiotic treatment and find out what the cause later. They figured it could have been 2 or 3 things. 1. a urinary track infection, 2. pneumonia, or 3. Influenza. We played the waiting game until the preliminary report came back from the blood and urine cultures. It was a UTI (urinary track infection). It took 48 hours to get the results but in the mean time she was recieving IV antibiotics and was still having a high temp every few hours which they treated with Tylenol. On Sunday night at around midnight her temperature finally came down and stayed down. I felt a lot better and felt relieved that my baby was out of the worst of things.
Tuesday we went for an ultra sound of her urinary system and waited for the results from that. Turns out she has hydronephrosis which means her kidney on the inside has been stretched in the area where the urine collects before going into the bladder. The plan is for her to be on antibiotics for 14 days total and then have another test in 2 weeks.

March 29, 2011

I have come to the realization that there are 2 things in my life that make me stressed. The first is when both of my wonderful children are screaming because they need me and I can't get to them at the same time. I think they just know and purposefully time it so they need something at the same time and both will cry over it!
The second is what to have for supper. Anyone else with me? So lately what I have been working on while I have a spare moment is a supper calendar and grocery lists for each week to coincide with the supper calander. I am super excited about it. Kent has a had some input and as a result we have a breakfast food night every week and a smoothie night. Can't beat that!

Other than that Avery and Cooper are doing great. I will post pics of them both as soon as I get a chance.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Update March 4, 2011

Time goes so fast. Avery is 2 months old and Cooper is almost 22 months. WOW!
Kent's parents were here for a visit and to help with Avery from December to mid January. Then my parents came out right after and my Mom is here still. She leaves on the 14th and I worry about doing this all on my own. I need to just keep telling myself I can and I know I can, I just don't want to be wanting to pull my hair out every 10 minutes.
Avery has changed so much and is not so fussy. She a much happier baby and is starting to fall asleep all by herself with the help of a soother, and even sometimes doesn't even need that. It is a miracle, just ask my in laws they will attest to it! She has a test next week to see if she has urine back flowing into her kidneys from her bladder. This is a follow up test from her urinary track infection that put her in the hospital with a really high fever for four days. She is doing much better.
Cooper is at a super fun age and we have lots of fun together. He is talking so much and loves repeating every thing we say. He loves his little sister but doesn't quite understand the limits with her being so little. He has lots of kisses for her and loves helping out by bringing things to us for her or throwing out diapers. His favorite thing to do right now is watching "Signing Times" which is a DVD to teach parents and children sign language. He has picked up so many signs and uses them all the time. He has his own variation so sometimes I am not sure what sign he is using. It is so cute to watch him learn and grow. He has a tender heart but sometimes can be a little mean by poking or throwing things. We are trying to teach him that we only throw balls but Avery has been at the tail end of him throwing other things. Poor girl! He doesn't quite understand consequences to his actions. It will come I am sure. I feel bad for him as it seems we hardly have any time to play just the 2 of us. Either I am dealing with Avery or feeding her. Soon he won't have a Grandma to play with.